Together...We participate in educational and enjoyable eventsYou can find a complete list of our events, including dates, times, and locations below. You can view our Events in either calendar format or list format. To register for an event, click on the "Register" button next to the event you're interested in. Who Can Attend WGC Events?All events—Tours, Lunch Bunches, Fall and Spring meetings, Board Meetings, and committee meetings—are designed for members only. However, guests may attend Lunch Bunches and Fall and Spring meetings if space is available. Guests must be accompanied by a member of WGC and that member is responsible for ensuring that the guests' costs are covered. How Do I Pay for an Event?Payments for WGC Fall and Spring meetings are made by Venmo OR by check. If you are paying by check, please make your check payable to Melissa Frisvold and mail it to her at:
4951 Bonita Bay Blvd., Unit #603, Bonita Springs, FL 34134. To access Venmo, use the camera on your cell phone and scan the QR code provided. Click on the link and it will bring you to the Venmo application so that you can pay for the event. Send the amount due to Melissa Frisvold; if needed, use the last four numbers of Melissa's cell—2738. If you do not have a Venmo account, you will need to download its free software. To create an account, follow directions for Venmo, found in the App Store, or by searching for Venmo on Safari, Google or whatever search engine you use. Members who wish to skip the meal for dietary or other reasons should call Melissa Frisvold at 612-963-2738. Deadline for Registration and PaymentAll payments must be received 14 calendar days before the event. Cancellations and RefundsMembers who register, pay, and then cancel before the deadline will be refunded the full amount. |