Based on SWFL's community needs and a recommendation from the Grant Research Committee, the WGC Board approves a grant theme for the upcoming grant cycle, selecting an annual theme that focuses on one area such as supporting children, seniors, healthcare, education, food insecurity, etc. The Grant Research Committee, guided by the Collier and Lee community foundations, studies potential applicants, meets with qualified nonprofit agencies and based on their findings, identifies organizations who will receive an invitation to apply for a WGC grant. Grant applications are accepted by invitation ONLY; the WGC extends invitations each year in early November and grant awards are made the following April.
The Grant Evaluation Committee invites prospective grantees to apply for a grant. Upon receipt of completed applications, the Committee conducts interviews with selected applicants and assesses their ability to successfully deliver the grant proposal. After a thorough review, the Committee prepares the proposed grantee slate, along with funding recommendations, and shares it with WGC's membership for their approval. If approved, grant funds are distributed and the Grant Monitoring Committee assumes oversight of the process, furthering WGC's relationship with our grantee partners.
The Grant Monitoring Committee assures the funds are used as outlined in the grantee's application with the oversight of a WGC liaison. Each grantee prepares both a midterm and final report with the final report reviewing the activities performed, documenting how the grant goals were achieved, and noting any obstacles encountered.
WGC Will Consider Funding: | WGC Will Not Fund: | Diversity and Faith-based Policy: |
An organization may only submit one grant proposal per grant cycle. Any funds not used or committed for the specific purpose of the grant must be returned to the Women's Giving Circle of Southwest Florida. An organization that has received a grant is eligible to be considered for another grant during a subsequent grant cycle once the funded program has been successfully completed, funds have been accounted for, and all conditions of the first grant have been met. |
| Diversity Policy "We promote the celebration and acceptance of our community's diversity, which contributes to a healthy, caring community. The Collier Community Foundation believes that diversity encompasses, but is not limited to religion, age, ethnicity, race, gender identity, sexual orientation, economic circumstances, physical and mental abilities, characteristics and philosophy." Faith-based Policy |
Sharon, five-year member