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How We Operate

Members make a yearly tax-deductible contribution of $1,100.

Members can be as engaged in
WGC functions as they desire.

Experience hands-on involvement in every aspect of grantmaking.

$1,000 of each member's yearly contribution is applied directly to community grants and $100 is applied to operating expenses. Every member makes the same yearly contribution, and each member has an equal vote when approving grant awards.

We have Fall and Spring member meetings each year and recognize seven standing committees.

Members are welcome to join the committee(s) that aligns with their interests. Committees include Grant Research, Grant Evaluation, Grant Monitoring, Membership, Programs, Outreach, and Communications. Committee meetings, educational tours of local nonprofits, and lunch bunch gatherings are planned throughout the vear. We operate November through April, with limited off-season functions.

Our three grantmaking committees provide opportunities to learn about the needs of our community, develop relationships with those on the front line of addressing these needs, and meet other women with similar interests. These committees, based on their good stewardship, recommend WGC grants awards to 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations whose programs promote self-sufficiency for disadvantaged women of all ages and their families in Lee and Collier counties.

Serving Lee and Collier Counties, Florida

1110 Pine Ridge Rd Ste 200, Naples, FL 34108

The Women's Giving Circle of Southwest Florida is a fund of the Collier Community Foundation.

Affiliated with Philanos, the leading national women’s giving circle network

Copyright © 2024 Women's Giving Circle of Southwest Florida®   All Rights Reserved.

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